___________ Steps for Creating Your Own Limerick
Limericks are very structured poems and are often
witty or humorous. They have five lines, the last words of lines one, two, and
five rhyme and the last words of lines three and four rhyme. The rhythm of the
limerick is also very strict and can be broken down as follows. Notice how each
line is stressed and unstressed in specific places.
da-da-Dum da-da-Dum Write
your draft here:
da-da-Dum da-da-Dum
da-da-Dum da-da-Dum
Put It To Use:
Let us write a limerick with the first line as ‘Once
there was an unusual boy.’
Step 1: Think
It Through
Brainstorm some ideas on why this boy is unusual.
Where did he come from? What does he do? What does he say? What does he wear?
Walks backwards, talks with his eyes closed, does
everything opposite, sleeps in his toy box, brushes his teeth with a pencil.
Step 2: Think of some rhyming words that you can use in your
Limerick: (also write the number of syllables)
Step 3: Write Your Poem
Now remembering our specific
rhyme and rhythm pattern, write your poem with the given first line.
Things to watch out for:
Make sure lines 1, 2, and 5 rhyme and have three
stressed words.
Make sure lines 3 and 4 rhyme and have two stressed
Make sure you indent lines 3 and 4 of your limerick.
Check spelling and grammar.
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