Saturday, 28 December 2013

Liesure by William Henry Davies

Subject: English
Reader / Topic: Leisure (Poem)                       
Plan (Methodology)

By the end of the lesson students will have:

·      Discussed the poetic devices employed in the poem.
·      Explored on different elements of nature.
·      Commented on the theme, tone and setting of the poem.

Explain the students that they need to write an email to their friend who they notice has been too busy and is under a lot of stress. Get the students to take ideas from the poem to advise their friend with reasons to have some leisure. They will paste a print of their email in their pamphlets (or can even write the email/ letter in their pamphlets).
Pre Reading/Listening Task:
The teacher will show some pictures of nature (on the multimedia or can paste pictures on the white board) . The students will be asked
1.What are the elements of nature that you could see in the pictures? (e.g. boughs, sheep, cows and woods etc)
2. If you are given a chance to visit these places would you like to go there? Why?
I will tell the students that we are going to learn about a poem entitled Leisure by William Davies. I will also ask the students what they understand by the word Leisure. Their responses will be written on the board.

On Reading/Listening Task:
·   The students will be asked to read about the poet’s biography given in their books.
·   Now I will show a video to the students of the poem Leisure (The teacher can ask any one of the student to read the poem aloud with rhythm if the resource is unavailable).

Post-Reading/Listening Task:
·   After listening and watching the video I will ask the students to underline the difficult words in the poem and infer their meanings.
·   They will be asked the meanings that they have inferred and their responses will be written on the white board.
·   I will also ask how can they relate the information they have read about the poet with the poem.

Group Formation and instructions:
·   I will divide the students in groups of four. The four students will be called Nature, Time, Life and Leisure
·   Each group will be assigned a figure of speech (simile, personification, rhyme, alliteration and repetition).
·   They will be given worksheets with related activities.
·   The group members will brainstorm the responses and the student called Nature will write the responses on the sheet.
·   The student called Time will take care that the activity is completed within time and Life will moderate the group.
·   The teacher will go to each group and monitor their activity.
·   Once the time is up and the worksheets are completed the teacher will give a signal (e.g. a clap) and the members called Leisure will take the worksheets and join another group. Leisure will share and discuss their work with the members of the other groups. 
·   Life will display the worksheets on the board.

Plenary: Each group will be given an Exit Slip with a question to answer. They will work in the same groups and answer the questions. The teacher will ask the group member Leisure to read out the question and the answer and pin it on the soft board.
10 min





Anthology of Poetry


Exit Slips
Students will be assessed on their ability to :

·   Discuss the poetic devices employed in the poem
·   Explore on different elements of nature.
·   Comment on the theme, tone and setting of the poem.


·   Verbal Responses
·   Small group discussion
·   Listening skills
·   Reading skills

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