Saturday, 28 December 2013

Duck and the Kangaroo Lesson plan

Subject: English
Reader / Topic: The Duck and the Kangaroo
Week: 1st

Date: 4th – 8th Nov 2013
Plan (Methodology)

By the end of the lesson students will have:

Comment on the theme of the poem.
Discuss what a Limerick is.
Written a Limerick Poem.

Teacher’s note:
Did they enjoy the poem? What do they think is the theme of the poem? What was the central idea of the poem? What did they understand about the writing style of the poet? What is a Limerick? How is it different from other forms of poetry?
Pre-Reading Task:
I Never- Students will take turns saying something they’ve never done, for example, I have never ridden a horse or I have never driven a bus and anyone who has actually done these things has to tell a story about it.
Resource Room Activity:
The students will be taken to the resource room with their books and stationary. They will first see a webpage about Edward Lear and talk about his style of writing. Then they will actively listen and watch the animated cartoon video of the poem. I will ask students to pay close attention as I show them another video describing the details of a limerick because that information will be essential to have when they are asked to write their own Limericks.
Class Discussion:
The students will be taken back to the classroom where they teacher will have a focus discussion with questions given in teachers notes. The students will randomly answer the questions and maximum participation will be ensured. Their responses will be written on the white board.
Post Reading:
They will be divided into groups of three (Timekeeper, Writer and Speaker) and will discuss the theme and the style of the poem. I will give them a worksheet and tell them that the worksheet given to them has steps to write their Limerick. They will work on the worksheet and the teacher will monitor the groups.

They students will be encouraged to read out their poems in the class and follow the rhythmic pattern of a limerick.

10 mins




The Anthology of Poetry

Students will be assessed on their ability to :

Comment on the theme of the poem.
Discuss what a Limerick is.
Written a Limerick Poem.


Listening and speaking skills
Verbal responses
Group task
Class discussion

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